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sort by year ・ 20222023

10/1/2022 - 1:14 AM

Not really sure what to write at the moment but I'm sure I'll think of something eventually.

11/1/2022 - 4:11 AM

Well shit it's already been a month. Time really goes by fast, way more than I'd like it to. Kinda feels like I'm just shouting into the void here though. Perhaps the void will echo back and offer me some churros and a shorter Winter. That would be nice. Also I've been meaning to fix the margins for the texts here along with my About and Net page. It just looks so stretched and I'd personally like it if it was more contained (like in a smaller box) instead of spanning all the way across my screen. I think I've tried to fix it a couple weeks ago but to no avail as I know very little html or css, even from watching tutorials and reading up on it. Not very pleasing to my eye. I don't really have anyway of knowing if anyone can see this, apart from the site view counter Neocities gives you. But if you can, yo what's up.