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archive (2022 - onward)

1/4/2023 - 9:10 AM

Happy New Year. I kind of forgot I made this site, not like I can type much here anyways.

6/19/2023 - 1:28 PM

Its been awhile since I've made any sort of progress on this site, but I'm pretty okay with the way it's turned out. Also I got a job a little bit ago as well. Not much else to report on. Bye for now.

10/6/2023 - 10:13 PM

Managed to stay with my current job for almost six months and not quit. Time is going by pretty fast and my recolection of events keeps skewing. I'm done with the summer time though... more than ready for some cooler weather and not sweating my ass off. I've been looking around for other jobs, but found nothing that would match my current salary. Only one was brought to my attention through a connection who works there. I am going to apply once I fix my outdated resume and figure out if the pay is any better than what I'm doing now. Nothing is really set in stone yet. Worst case scenario is I start working there sometime in early December (if everything works out). Will keep updated.